your world is an illusion. from the day you were born, you have been conditioned. you're school thought you to be quiet, neutral & numb. you're media desensitized(peka) you to the suffering of your fellow human beings and the systems slowly isolated you until it somehow felt normal to feel alone on the planet with 8 billion others people on it. you work hard with you're future with your reward always just around the next corner or just up the next step. everything was tomorrow, and tomorrow never come. and you realize too late that you never lived at all. something was missing and no matter how much you work, partied or paid you could not disguise it. you accepted it as natural for one to be wealthy whilst another is poor, or the absurd notion (ridiculous) that we must pay back the debt of our own existence. we traded community culture for corporate comfort and our most precious resource, our time, as a commodity. we have to move beyond revolution and into the next stage of human evolution. a time marked by unparalleled compassion and peaceful co-existence. the shape of which we cannot foresee as it must be created together. we will not take no power back as we shall empower ourselves, and we shall say: We are the humans. We are awake now. We reclaim our destiny.
I got this from The Idealist. This is so true that the world nowadays, is acting unfair at all time by all means. We do have our right, yes absolutely. But in what way we can fight for it, demonstration, public speaking, flashmob, & etc? Sometimes those are like puppet. It does not applicable at all. What's the function?
For some reasons, yes it is worth it. Where the society are being brainwashed, giving them a new idea about what the world and its governance really is, and yet the society can be more rational in order to response with their life. Otherwisw, some 'fight for our right' stuffs are going to fanatical that the so called fighters are going over the top! It will reflect on their mannerism, they'll lost it, and yet their discipline goes menyimpang & terpesong. They will became an extreme activist that they themselves are not really sure 'bout the motives and the purpose of joining this activism and stuffs. ...and I say this through what I had experienced and observed...
I was tired with all this. Sometimes I feel like want to be like those Palestinians, syahid while struggling for Islam, and with Allah permissions, will enter the jannah, which I want it so badly. But who are we to against Allah's plan, and i knew this, astaghfirullah. So all we can do is pray the best for our living, make efforts towards a pleasure life, inshAllah...
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